What Is Memorial Day?

Formerly known as Decoration Day, the origins of the federal holiday can be traced back to the post-Civil War era

What Is Memorial Day?

when a group of Union army veterans, the Grand Army of the Republic, called for a day to remember the lives of those who died defending their country. 

What Is Memorial Day?

It was traditionally observed on May 30, until Congress passed the Uniform Holiday Act in 1968. Memorial Day is now observed on the last Monday in May

Is It Ever Appropriate To Say 'Happy Memorial Day'?

Veterans groups have mixed opinions on whether it is disrespectful to use the phrase on the federal holiday. The Code of Support Foundation (COSF), a U.S. non-profit organization that works to ensure members of the military, veterans, caregivers and surviving families receive the support

Is It Ever Appropriate To Say 'Happy Memorial Day'?

they have earned through their service and sacrifice, calls on Americans to remember the true meaning of Memorial Day, and to "seek ways to honor our nation's heroes who died in service to our great nation." 

Is It Ever Appropriate To Say 'Happy Memorial Day'?

they have earned through their service and sacrifice, calls on Americans to remember the true meaning of Memorial Day, and to "seek ways to honor our nation's heroes who died in service to our great nation." 

Is It Ever Appropriate To Say 'Happy Memorial Day'?

the group urges. COSF CEO and Co-Founder Kristina Kaufmann told Newsweek that for some, the meaning of Memorial Day is deeply personal and not a day of celebration, and therefore it isn't appropriate to wish someone a "Happy Memorial Day."

Is It Ever Appropriate To Say 'Happy Memorial Day'?

"Instead, Code of Support suggests you use this day to reflect and remember those who have died in service to our nation—both on and off the battlefield:

Is It Ever Appropriate To Say 'Happy Memorial Day'?

'On Memorial Day and every day, I remember and thank those who made the ultimate sacrifice and their families,'" said Kaufmann.

Is It Ever Appropriate To Say 'Happy Memorial Day'?

Kaufmann said Memorial Day is a day to mourn a dear grandparent, parent, spouse, child, sibling, cousin, or friend who died in service to the nation.

Is It Ever Appropriate To Say 'Happy Memorial Day'?

"As a former wartime Army wife, I take the day to speak out-loud the names of the 24 service members and veterans I knew personally, who made the ultimate sacrifice. I also think of their families' sacrifice to our nation," she said. 

Is It Ever Appropriate To Say 'Happy Memorial Day'?

"To those who have felt this loss, Code of Support Foundation would like to extend our sincere condolences to you, and gratitude for your loved one. We will never forget."